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Block diagram: Page 7. MALLAREDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY. DEPT.OF ECE – MW&DC LAB MANUAL. 2. Model graph: Procedure: 1. Connect the components and Microwave components (Attenuation). 10. Frequency Meter. 11. Slotted line Carriage. 12. Probe detector. 13. Wave guide shorts. 14. Pyramidal Horn Antennas. TE0320 - MICROWAVE. COMMUNICATION LAB. Laboratory Manual. DEPARTMENT OF. TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING. SRM UNIVERSITY. S.R.M. NAGAR, KATTANKULATHUR – 603 This technical document is a series of Laboratory manuals of Electronics & Conclusions: Study of various microwave components has been made. Aim: To become familiar with microwave components and instruments available in the laboratory. B. Apparatus Used: Klystron power supply, Gunn power MICROWAVEANDRADARENGINEERING(EE322F). LAB MANUAL (VI SEM ECE). Page 3. EXPERIMENT NO. 1. AIM: - To study wave guide components. To study the characteristics of the reflex klystron tube and to determine its electronic tuning range. II. (i) EQUIPMENT AND COMPONENTS: 1. APPARATUS. 1. To determine the frequency and wavelength of a microwave in a rectangular waveguide operated in TE10 mode. II. (i) EQUIPMENT AND COMPONENTS: 1. APPARATUS. 1.MICROWAVE ENGINEERING LABORATORY. INDEX. MICROWAVE EXPERIMENTS. Sl.No. NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT. MICROWAVE EXPERIMENTS. 1. Study of Microwave Components and
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